Welcome to the Wix Forum. Here are some tips for how to get started.
Write a Welcome Post
Greet visitors to your forum with a warm welcome message. Tell people what your forum is about and what to expect. You can also share this post on your social media sites to get things going and attract your first members.
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Enjoy using your forum!
Yüz Medical Group
We deliver highly professional services in a friendly environment which are undertaken by our experienced and qualified surgeons and therapists. As well as our state-of-the-art clinic which is based in Leicester, we also have our specialised clinic in Turkey where all the plastic surgical procedures are under taken by our experienced surgeons.
Our dedicated team thrive to deliver the best possible care before, during and after the procedures. Our surgical team has a combined experience of over 20 years based in Turkey. They have undertaken some of the worlds most complex procedures and have achieved the greatest end results.